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Mississippi Court Records

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Warren County Court Records

Warren County, Mississippi, court records refer to official documents from the county’s court archives that provide a historical context of the county’s legal decisions and actions. These records contain information or documents of all forms of court records and processes, such as felonies, misdemeanors, family law matters, and probate matters. In addition to court records, Warren County arrest records provide vital information about individuals involved in criminal proceedings. These records include the following:

  • Discovery files
  • Transcripts
  • Charge sheets
  • Arrest records
  • Judgments
  • Court orders

Are Court Records Public in Warren County?

Yes, Warren County court records are public documents as defined by the Mississippi Public Records Act. These records are public to the extent of the sensitive information they contain. Thus, these exemptions are provided in the Act to indicate sealed records:

  • Personal Records such as employee details
  • Investigative records
  • Trade secrets
  • Privileged information
  • Judicial materials such as communication among judges and juries which are related to judicial decisions

Warren County Court Records Search

Warren County court records may be searched offline using records requests submitted to the Circuit Court’s clerk by mail or in person. This submission should include some case details, such as the case number, filing date, and parties' names. Requesters may also search online court records through the Mississippi Electronic Courts platform.

Warren County Courts

Warren County features Mississippi’s court structure. The county has a Circuit Court, a Chancery Court, a Youth Court, a Justice Court, and a Municipal Court. Here are details of each court:

Circuit Court in Warren County

Warren County Circuit Court

Warren County Courthouse
1009 Cherry Street
P.O. Box 351
Vicksburg, MS 39181
Phone: (601) 636-3961
Fax: (601) 630-4100

Chancery Court in Warren County

Warren County Chancery Court

Warren County Courthouse
1009 Cherry Street
P.O. Box 351
Vicksburg, MS 39181
Phone: (601) 636-4415
Fax: (601) 630-8185

County Court in Warren County

County Court of Warren County
Warren County Courthouse
1009 Cherry Street
P.O. Box 351
Vicksburg, MS 39181
Phone: (601) 636-3961
Fax: (601) 630-4100

Youth Court in Warren County

Warren County Youth Court
Warren County Courthouse
1009 Cherry Street
P.O. Box 351
Vicksburg, MS 39181
Phone: (601) 636-3961
Fax: (601) 630-4100

Justice Court in Warren County

Warren County Justice Court
919 Farmer Street
P.O. Box 1598
Vicksburg, MS 39181
Phone: (601) 634-6402
Fax: (601) 634-8015

Municial Court in Warren County

Vicksburg Municipal Court
820 Veto Street
P.O. Box 150
Vicksburg, MS 39181
Phone: (601) 631-3742
Fax: (601) 801-3544

Warren County Criminal and Civil Records

Warren County criminal and civil court records refer to documents and files from the county’s Circuit Court archives, which exercise general jurisdiction. This court may handle any court case, including probate, family law, personal injury, felonies, misdemeanors, contract disputes, and more. These are public records subject to the sensitivity of the information they contain.

Requesters may mail or submit requests for in-person records to the Circuit Court clerk. The public may also use the Mississippi Electronic Courts website to gain online access to civil and criminal court records, such as Warren County arrest records, pleadings, transcripts, and more.

Warren County Marriage Records

Warren County marriage records refer to documents and files from the county’s Circuit Court Clerk’s office or the Mississippi State Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Records. Marriage records, like Warren County marriage certificates or marriage licenses, are documents that certify a couple’s union. These records generally provide details about the spouses, the witnesses, and the wedding officiant.

Requesters who are eligible to access these records include married couples, government agencies, researchers, and law enforcement agencies. Marriage records may be obtained offline through mail-in or in-person requests submitted to the Circuit Court Cerk’s office. The public may access or obtain copies of marriage records through the Bureau of Vital Records’ Marriage Records website.

Warren County Divorce Records

Warren County divorce records refer to documents and files from the archives of the county’s Chancery Court clerk. The Chancery Court of Warren County handles divorce matters, which makes it the destination for divorce records. This court maintains court filings and divorce certificates or decrees, which may be obtained using mail-in or in-person requests.

Divorce records are restricted to certain individuals, which includes the divorced parties, law enforcement bodies, government agencies, and researchers. Requesters may access and obtain copies of Warren County divorce records online through the Chancery Court Clerk’s website. This platform provides contact information for making inquiries and requests for divorce records.

Warren Birth Records

Warren County birth records are documents from the Mississippi State Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Records. These records provide details of child conceptions and deliveries in the county while also documenting the parent or guardian’s details.

Warren County birth certificates may be useful for proof of identity, medical records, or to track health history, legal documentation, and school enrolment. These records are generally restricted to the individual named on the document, the parents, legal representatives, and government or law enforcement agencies. Birth records may be obtained from the Department of Health using mail-in or in-person requests. Requesters may also access and obtain these records online through the Bureau of Statistics’ Birth Certificates website.

Warren Death Records

Death records are vital records documents with details of death circumstances and the deceased. Warren County death records refer to documents from the archives of the Mississippi State Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Records.

Local county death records, such as death certificates, are useful for social security benefit claims, insurance claims, and estate settlements. These records have restricted access to the immediate family of the deceased, law enforcement agencies, government agencies, and researchers or genealogists. Requesters may submit in-person requests or mail-in requests to the Bureau of Vital Statistics for certified copies of death certificates. The public may use the Death Certificates website to access Warren County's death records online.

Warren County Probate Court Records

Warren County Probate Court records refer to documents and files from the archives of the county’s Chancery Court, where all probate matters are handled. This court is the destination for matters relating to estates, guardianships, and wills. Probate Court records are generally public records, with the exception of documents that contain sensitive or personally identifiable information. These records may be accessed or obtained using in-person or mail-in requests to the Chancery Court clerk’s office. Warren County Probate Court records may also be obtained online through the Mississippi Electronic Courts website.

Warren County Property Records

Warren County property records refer to documents and files from the archives of the county’s Chancery Clerk and Tax Assessor’s Offices. The Chancery Clerk maintains all land records for the county, while the Tax Assessor’s office maintains records of all taxable property and assessment of the county real estate. The public may access these records using records requests submitted in person or sent via mail to these offices. Property records are public documents that may also be accessed online through contact details provided on the Tax Assessor’s website. This website also features the county’s interactive map for more detailed property searches.

Warren County Court Records Online

Online access to Warren County court records is available through the Mississippi Electronic Courts platform. This platform provides online access to the state’s court records archive, which may be filtered for Warren County court records. The public may also use third-party websites like mississippicourtrecords.us to access these records online.

Third-party websites may offer more accessibility for record searches through their easy-to-navigate interface and all-day availability. Requesters may also get records faster from these platforms as they may download documents directly. Online access to court records generally requires a mobile device or computer and a good internet connection.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!